Notary Barbara Ciacci
Born in Monte Grimano (PU) in 1954, Dicember 4th, Barbara Ciacci is married with Dr. Gioele Semprini Cesari, a specialized medic in odontology. She also has two sons: Lorenzo Semprini Cesari, Graduated in Law, Notary trainee and Filippo Semprini Cesari, Graduated in Odontology.
Graduated “cum laude” in Law, at Università degli Studi di Macerata in 1978, she attended the internship in Ancona at Notaio Sandro Scoccianti’s notary office.
In 1982-1983, after she succesfully overcame the public competitive exam, the Notary has performed tasks on the mandate of the Consiglio Notarile of Pesaro and Urbino in Pergola and was nominated for temp of the Notary Silvio Manfucci from Cagli.
In April 1983, she was appointed with the first office in Celenza sul Trigno (United Notarial District of Lanciano and Vasto). Nephew of Sebastiano Ciacci, a Notary as well in Rimini, she practices law since 1984 in Rimini.
From 1994 to 2012, with uninterrupted mandate, Barbara Ciacci was a member of the Notarial Council of the United Notarial Districts of Forlì and Rimini.
From 2010 she is a component of the Assemblea dei Rappresentanti della Cassa Nazionale del Notariato. Moreover, she is a member of Emilia Romagna Notarial trade union’s steering committee.
Since February 2016, entrusted by Federnotai, she is member of the Executive Board of Confprofessioni - Emilia Romagna.